Nylon Black Monofilament

Compare to Ethilon®, a registered trademark of Ethicon®. Strong, pliable monoflament nonabsorbable suture for minimum trauma. H662,H661,H1698,H664,H664L,H663L,H663,SBN62B,SBN65C,SBN66D,SBN68E,S918B,SBN62C,SBN62D,S911B
Product Price Stock Availability Order

3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting Black Nylon Mono - 5/0, FS-2, 18" FOR VET USE ONLY
Call for Pricing: 1-800-638-4770
In stock

3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting Black Nylon Mono - 4/0, FS-2, 18" FOR VET USE ONLY
Call for Pricing: 1-800-638-4770
In stock

3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting Black Nylon Mono - 3/0, FS-1, 18" FOR VET USE ONLY
Call for Pricing: 1-800-638-4770
In stock

3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting Black Nylon Mono - 3/0, FS-1, 30" FOR VET USE ONLY
Call for Pricing: 1-800-638-4770
In stock

3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting Black Nylon Mono - 2/0, FS, 18" FOR VET USE ONLY
Call for Pricing: 1-800-638-4770
In stock

3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting Black Nylon Mono - 2/0, FS, 30" FOR VET USE ONLY
Call for Pricing: 1-800-638-4770
In stock

3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting, 4/0, 18" Nylon Black Mono Suture FOR VET USE ONLY
Call for Pricing: 1-800-638-4770
In stock

Compare to Ethilon®, a registered trademark of Ethicon®. Strong, pliable monoflament nonabsorbable suture for minimum trauma.



Compare to Ethilon®, a registered trademark of Ethicon®. Strong, pliable monoflament nonabsorbable suture for minimum trauma.